Thursday, May 22, 2014

The End.

take risks, try things out, don't be afraid to approach the course, assignments, learning, speaking in novel ways.
Ask Questions.

There are certain things in life that make you wonder how things work out or why they don't. This class definitely reminded me that I shouldn't be afraid to be curious and to be open about it. The more you ask around, the more you discover the things you never really see in your perspective. The more you get the view of people the more you get to experience different kinds of things in life. You get to shape your own trail into what you wish to achieve. I learned that in order to create something you wish to be uniquely yours, you should be aware of your surroundings and from there know what you can change, add, or even remove. Be open to other peoples opinions and suggestions because I truly learned that hearing out the thoughts of other people can help in creating a so called "masterpiece"

Be Weird.

Thanks to this class, I can honestly say that I become weirder than my usual self (in a good way). I learned that you shouldn't always stick to the basics or the typical habitual kind of mind set. Just like what was said by my classmates during the first day of class, if i'm not mistaken, that you should step outside the box in order for you to be a creative person. STEP OUT AS FAR AS YOU CAN. That's what I tell myself when it comes to thinking of ideas. The more quirky or eccentric you are, the more you end up with a very amusing and appreciative output. I really did realize that I should let my ideas out to my peers even if they sound funny and wrong because in the end, it'll somehow work out on its own unusual ways. 


Thanks to our project where in we had to do something that would help change a certain common wrong filipino behavior, I was able to realize that in order to get something to work better in the future, you should always be open to changes. These changes can always help improve your ideas and maybe even broaden your creative mind. I do believe that nothing in this world is perfect, unless your barbie maybe, but other than that there is really nothing that would be as flawless as it can ever be. If something is perfect, for me, that isn't called a masterpiece of art or whatever you call it. the less perfect it is, the better. I learned that things will fail and thanks to that failure, things will eventually fall into place because it actually does give you that chance to change. 

Have Goals.

This class really reminded me that you should always have a list of things you wish to accomplish in life, or maybe even just a simple drawing maybe. One may be considered creative if he or she just splatters paint on a blank canvas but then again, why simply do something "easy" which anyone and everyone can do if you know that you are capable of doing something much greater and much more "you". I learned that, yes we all have creative minds and that there are times when we don't know how to put them all together, giving ourselves something to look forward to in the end will really help. It's just like the stars in the sky, they're all scattered and the only reason why we see the constellations is because we actually have that "end goal" of trying to spot it even if there are a lot of other stars around it.

Believe you can.

I used to always hesitate when it comes to sharing ideas with a group or basically anyone, but this class really helped me open up and not be afraid of peoples judgements. I learned that there really is nothing to lose. If you say something and people give you that weird look, then just return it back to them. No one should ever stop you or let you feel as if you are saying something wrong and strange because they will eventually thank you one day for actually sharing those ideas, whatever it may be. I learned to always put my feet on the ground when it comes to explaining my ideas because no one else will really fully understand you if you just say it once. People might end up misunderstanding you, which is obviously one of the last things you wish to happen.

I learned not to be afraid and to open myself to new experiences and to rise up from my mistakes and know that they will help me make things better.

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