Sunday, May 4, 2014

GOOGLE + PIXAR = Creativity

"The art challenges technologyTechnology inspires the art." 
—John Lasseter John 

I couldn't agree more.

This saying is what struck me because of how it simply explains the world today. Knowing that many of us, if not all, are relying on technology nowadays. We use these inventions in order to bring out our "creativity". May it be 140 characters on twitter or a creative shot you took with or without filter to post on Instagram. It can also be some sort of makeshift invention or a DIY project. 

At first, I thought of creativity to be a simple drawing you drew on a blank sheet of paper or anything similar to that. In class I described it to be "that moment when you get to expand your perspectives." But because of the two documents, Game Changers and Pixar, my meaning of creativity has expanded.

on the one hand, Game Changers is a documentary involving Google and how it began. Google has been amazingly succeeding in so many areas in the technology industry. The fact that they are partnered up with the Android, known as one of the most commonly used softwares in smartphones and tablets around the world, gives them that greater opportunity to excel in achieving their goals. 

Google for me is like a huge machine that was invented to make life easier than it already is with all of the machines and technology. But other than that, to share an experience, I along with my family was actually able to enter the world of Google. The last time I had a family vacation with my family in San Francisco, a good friend of my Dad invited us over to Google and toured us around the area. It's amazing because I could actually relate to everything that was being shown in the documentary. Google is definitely another world in this world. I don't want to describe them as the outcasts in a stereotyped campus but from my point of view, the Google employees really do have their own lives and a very amazing one to be honest. Like what was shown in the documentary, They have free cafeterias and recreational areas where in they can go when they feel like having a break from all the work load. If i can recall the things my Dad's friend shared, she mentioned how they have a massage place they can go to. They even placed up a school for the employee's children. They have a heated swimming pool and beach volleyball where any employee can simply enjoy during their spare time. They have bicycles and electronic cars you can simply borrow to travel from one area to the other. The employees of Google basically live there. Everything you actually need in your day-to-day living is right there when you need it.
With that being said, Creativity is what truly helps you succeed in life. I find that they were creative enough to actually create an office space that doesn't even feel like an office. The thought of it not being the typical kind of work place truly makes you want to work there, I was even lured into applying a job there in the future (in my dreams). I find this very creative because for me it's a uniquely thought of way to make people work but at the same time enjoy life. Knowing how people dread waking up early in the morning to drive themselves to work, Google makes people feel like kids again and what do I mean about this. They not only let the people enjoy life because of the fact that they actually still do have their social lives or most of the things normal employee's don't have but they are also given that opportunity to think outside of the box and be able to expand their imaginations through all of the recreational activities that is available to them.

On the other hand, Pixar is a documentary that showed all of the cartoon shows and movies they successfully produced. The fact that they had their ups and downs, they truly showed how succeeding in life is a tough one if you really don't work hard and fight for what you want. 
This documentary really showed that even though you have all of these ideas on your mind is challenging enough to even put it all together and be able to let your audience capture what you wish to show them. That the little specs are important in creating a big picture like how the little details can make something look different. 
Basically what I found creative with pixar is how their goal is to bring things to life. In their unique ways and techniques, they were and still are able to successfully make their audience love and favor their movies compared to the other cartoon movie producers. Such as Toy Story, Bugs Life, Cars, Monsters inc., The Incredibles, Up, and so much more. 
Based on my preference, the last Toy Story Trilogy is what made me appreciate Pixar even more. Just like what a few classmates and even family members shared before, It is truly that one cartoon movie that captured life from childhood to adulthood. This may have been a typical cartoon movie for the younger children but this was and still is that one cartoon movie that is out of the ordinary for it not only made every movie goer watch it and love it after but it also brought emotions and memories out of people and again, that is what i find very creative that Pixar thought of doing. The fact that they were able to let their audience imagine their lives and daydream as they watched, and even reminisce after, the movie.

Thanks to the two documentaries I can conclude that being creative and at the same time passionate about what you love to do or wish to accomplish is what will bring you to that life you wish to live. Achieving life, may it be as simple as saying it or not, is enjoying it and at the same time using that experience you have as you go on each day to make it a better one.

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