Tuesday, May 6, 2014

mind mapping + Six thinking hats

Where to begin…

The 2 activities we did in class last meeting made me realize a lot about myself. It made me realize how unprepared I am for the future even if I think I already am. I realized how motivated I get when it comes to creating or achieving something I think is actually possible.

            For first activity, we were told to mind map our personal financial plan. This activity definitely showed how the way I think of my life now and what I need to save for is different from what I’ll need to save for the future. Especially after the sharing of my group mates I realized how there are certain things I forget to think of for my future plans, such as investing for my own business.

I realized that life now seems easy because I still get most of my savings and allowance from my parents but then after this coming year, I’ll have to start earning for myself and even repay my parents for everything they have given me. It reminded me that I’ll be the one earning for my family in the future and be the one to pay for the house bills, my parents health expenses, and basically everything my parents are paying for now.

This activity also scared me for the future. The fact that I do plan to have my own family, just thinking of how things are getting more expensive each year or even sometimes months makes me jittery just thinking of it. Examples of these would be the tuition of my children, yes I do want lots of children, or okay maybe just a maximum of 4 (hehehe). Another would be the repair and maintenance bill of my own house, if I actually get to save for one. Of course, the thought of having to save for my traveling expenses when I wish to travel with my family and/or friends.

There are so many things I’ll have to save up for and thanks to this activity it shook my head and opened my eyes by making me see reality. That money won’t come easily as it is now in the near future. That planning ahead will surely make it easier to overcome such problems.

For the second activity, we were told to create a universal pushcart for those street vendors who sell these authentic Filipino foods; fish balls, Isaw, Kwek Kwek, etc. This activity was really fun to do, especially doing it as a group brought more interesting ideas on the table. We used the six thinking hats in order to think how this cart will look and it’s contents.

For me the six thinking hats definitely help when it comes to situations like this when you strategically plan and create something. It helps you think of the specifics more and makes you concentrate on the certain things you really have to give consideration to. These things would be your market and how the public sees and feels about this certain product. Another would be the important information’s you can recover about the certain product you are trying to sell/create. After all that, you can then start thinking of the negatives and positives of the product you will make and how it will be better or beneficial to your market.

The six thinking hats not only brought out that “creativity” in us but it did bring out that urge to want to make the product itself because of how organized it is and how it really helps bring you to that main goal you are trying to pursue. It helps you concentrate at your points and what you wish to convey. I think it would have been confusing if we did the normal way by writing down our idea on a sheet of paper or I think if we used mind mapping in this sort of concern then I think it wouldn’t be as thoroughly planned enough.

I really like what my group, Fantastic Four!, came up with. To simply describe our design, we were able to come up with a “foldable” cart that has many compartments. These compartments are located at the outer part of the cart for the “ready-made” food so the seller can sell as he/she is strolling around the area. There are also compartments inside as the cart is split into two; these compartments contain the gas tank, ingredients, utensils, barbeque sticks, etc.

We thought of a foldable cart because we think that it’ll give a wider space for people to gather instead of cramping in one rectangular cart trying to dip their kwek kwek or fish ball on the sauce bowls. Speaking of the sauces, we also thought of putting these sauces on a dispenser instead of it being in a bowl that allows people to double dip. This is also to avoid any sort of transferred disease or the like.

Those are the main parts of the cart, we also included a detachable “roof” which the seller can just remove or add when he or she feels like it. This cart has built-in 4-wheels so that the cart can be mobile. The group also decided that we add solar powered lights. We also came to a conclusion that this would be made of think aluminum or something similar to that of the jeep, which eventually brought us to the idea of it’s colorful design. We decided that this cart would be like our national transportation, the Jeeps, where in the owner of the cart can personally customize his or her own cart the way he or she wishes. This will then hopefully catch the attention of many, if not all, and lure them to hand those loose change as they buy food.

Kaya “Tara na! ” at kumain na tayo!

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