Sunday, May 11, 2014


I was always a fan of scrolling through these Internet posts of “life hacks” or what it is apparently called, Chindogu. I find it so interesting because of how it is just like any other type of machine that is produced to make life easier. In addition, it makes you say, “why didn’t I think of that?” when you’re in the process of analyzing it.

When my group and I were brainstorming, I decided to check the Internet and search for what people have thought of making, and I saw several interesting and funny ones.

1. Upside down umbrella
            - An umbrella that you can use during a rainy day. The only thing different is that it collects the water. I guess this seemed pretty weird at first but if you think of it, it’s actually a good idea since you can use the water for your plants at home or use it to wash your car. In short, what I’m trying to say is that you get to recycle the water. I mean I would probably try to use this if it actually does work because it will help me save more money instead of paying for water bills.


2. Need a hand?
- A manikin hand that helps avoid the possibilities of you slicing your own real fingers as you slice through vegetables and/or fruits (maybe). I find it a bit creepy though but at the same time really useful because I do have that fear that I would accidentally slice a layer of my skin. 

So with that, our group thought of the possible more useful ways the public would use more frequently and be very useful.

We thought of the most common problem of the country now, which is the hot weather. We thought of cooling pads that contain beads in them, which you can attach to your backpack so as you walk around campus or where ever really, you won’t feel as hot as you do now and sweat won’t be a problem because knowing how backpacks really do make you sweat 10x more or even more (kidding! That’s too exagge) but anyway, I think that this would actually sell if it actually does exist because I’m pretty sure that everyone in manila are dying to be in a cold place right now.

Another thing we thought of is the multi-signing pen for those people who need to sign multiple documents and/or checks. We think that this is useful because based on observation, there was a time I sat beside my dad after dinner and he had this bulk of documents on his left side and he was getting maybe 2 – 3 sheets as he signs each one. I felt so useless just sitting beside him and kept asking if he needed help but at the same time I felt ignorant because I’d have to forge his signature. He insisted but at the same time, the documents seemed like a “DON’T MESS THIS UP OR ELSE” kind of papers.

So my group thought, why go through the stress of signing these documents one by one if you can sign 3 (or even more) all at the same time? Saves you from having an aching butt and back and gives you more time to do other things since you’ll have lesser time signing the documents/checks.

I also like what the other groups thought of like the one of Sharky, where in it’s a head piece or a hat that have mirrors attached to it so you can see the person behind you. I found it awkwardly nice because it will surely make you look unusual but at the same time, it will also make you feel safer than you usually do. The other thing I like also is the table you sling onto your neck and you instantly have a table you can use to multi task. Another would be that “juice bag” because I really do like drinking and having that bag around seems fun. I don’t know why but I do imagine myself using that in the beach or any out of town trip really.

There are so many ways to make life easier and Chindogu is a very interesting “tool” we all (can) use. Just like how people would use a dustpan to take a “selfie” instead of buying a monopod.


Chindogu really does show you that thinking outside the box or simply going out of the norm can really make a difference. May it be helpful or not, it really does test you and the way you think “creatively” to make your life easier or even more fun.

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