Friday, May 16, 2014


Here I am sitting on this cemented bench in Ateneo as I write this futuristic letter to you, and yes we got accepted in our dream school but that doesn’t mean you won’t continue to study hard.
Well I do hope you would read it some day and hopefully it will help you grow in the succeeding years and maybe even change the way we are now. (Well maybe just some behaviors that I wish I learned to control then when it was easier to change.)
 I don’t want to make this a long and dragging letter so I will try my best to make it as short as possible but at the same time let you have fun reading it.

To my dearest 10 year old self,
Promise me you’ll learn how to take care of yourself.
Learn how to be independent,
Don’t rely too much on your friends, siblings, or even a parent.
Because based from experience,
There will always be some sort of difference.
What do I mean?
A few years from now you’re going to be a teen.
You’ll eventually have changes in your body,
And might even start to like a certain somebody.
You’ll start to want certain things,
And by things I mean things that may cost as expensive as those bling blings.
But please do remember to take your time,
Don’t rush into things if you want your decisions in life to be sublime.
There’s a right time for everything,
We’ll just have to do things step-by-step and of course keep in mind that we are guided by His blessing.
At this age,
Try to get yourself out of that cage.
Go and be free,
But know your limits and don’t act as if you were in some unlimited shopping spree.
Get to know as much people as you can,
Don’t just hangout with that certain clan.
Because as you go on with life,
 There will always be some people who will stab you with a knife.
I want you to remember that some will come and go,
But don’t worry about it too much because you’ll always have that one person who has been there for you since a long time ago.
Now about being in a relationship,
Always listen to what mom has to say or you’ll end up feeling like a sinking ship.
You may feel as if she’s talking nonsense,
But her words will slowly transform into some sort of conscience.
There are other countless things I want to tell you,
But these are the basic and simple things I would want you to do.
For now and hopefully as you go on each day,
Remember to be independent, patient, adventurous, and never forget to say…


You're truly,

To my 60 year old self,
You may feel like you are all by yourself,
Maybe because you and your friends don’t have the capability to go out as much,
Or maybe because most of you haven’t stayed in touch.
But I hope you don’t let yourself drown in our bed,
And always act like a sleepy head.
Get up and welcome the morning sun,
Don’t stress on what you have to do because I’m pretty sure you’ll eventually think of a ton.
You’re children or grandchildren may be busy and you may feel lonely,
But hey! Never forget that you still have your one and only.
Spend time with him as if you guys were back in your dating days,
I’m pretty sure you guys already established your ways.
I don’t really know who he is yet,
But I do hope, whoever he is, that he’s no sweat.
I’m pretty sure you look back at this age,
Laughing at every page,
Thinking on how to answer the question “why?”
Like why always force yourself to go for the wrong guy?
Why limit yourself to what is in front of you?
If you know that you’re capable of learning something or even meeting someone new?
Why stress yourself with all your problems that are petty?
If you can simply solve them then stop yourself from feeling heavy?
Why pressure yourself to be someone you’re not?
If you know that there’s someone out there who already finds you perfect and maybe even want to tie the knot.
I don’t really know how life will be like 39 years from now,
So please help me go through each day because I don’t know how.
I end up traveling to the past wishing I could go back and change my mistakes,
If ever that does happen, that’s you’re cue to stop me whatever it takes.
I can’t really imagine how you’re living our life,
But I do know that I will grow up to be a wonderful mother and wife.
I will end this letter here,
Because I don’t want to preempt the future that may make me shed a tear.
So I shall just simply live this wonderful life we’re living,
And continue to be very thanksgiving.
I’ll meet you some day,
I can’t wait to celebrate and say YAY!
Yours truly,

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