Thursday, May 22, 2014

The End.

take risks, try things out, don't be afraid to approach the course, assignments, learning, speaking in novel ways.
Ask Questions.

There are certain things in life that make you wonder how things work out or why they don't. This class definitely reminded me that I shouldn't be afraid to be curious and to be open about it. The more you ask around, the more you discover the things you never really see in your perspective. The more you get the view of people the more you get to experience different kinds of things in life. You get to shape your own trail into what you wish to achieve. I learned that in order to create something you wish to be uniquely yours, you should be aware of your surroundings and from there know what you can change, add, or even remove. Be open to other peoples opinions and suggestions because I truly learned that hearing out the thoughts of other people can help in creating a so called "masterpiece"

Be Weird.

Thanks to this class, I can honestly say that I become weirder than my usual self (in a good way). I learned that you shouldn't always stick to the basics or the typical habitual kind of mind set. Just like what was said by my classmates during the first day of class, if i'm not mistaken, that you should step outside the box in order for you to be a creative person. STEP OUT AS FAR AS YOU CAN. That's what I tell myself when it comes to thinking of ideas. The more quirky or eccentric you are, the more you end up with a very amusing and appreciative output. I really did realize that I should let my ideas out to my peers even if they sound funny and wrong because in the end, it'll somehow work out on its own unusual ways. 


Thanks to our project where in we had to do something that would help change a certain common wrong filipino behavior, I was able to realize that in order to get something to work better in the future, you should always be open to changes. These changes can always help improve your ideas and maybe even broaden your creative mind. I do believe that nothing in this world is perfect, unless your barbie maybe, but other than that there is really nothing that would be as flawless as it can ever be. If something is perfect, for me, that isn't called a masterpiece of art or whatever you call it. the less perfect it is, the better. I learned that things will fail and thanks to that failure, things will eventually fall into place because it actually does give you that chance to change. 

Have Goals.

This class really reminded me that you should always have a list of things you wish to accomplish in life, or maybe even just a simple drawing maybe. One may be considered creative if he or she just splatters paint on a blank canvas but then again, why simply do something "easy" which anyone and everyone can do if you know that you are capable of doing something much greater and much more "you". I learned that, yes we all have creative minds and that there are times when we don't know how to put them all together, giving ourselves something to look forward to in the end will really help. It's just like the stars in the sky, they're all scattered and the only reason why we see the constellations is because we actually have that "end goal" of trying to spot it even if there are a lot of other stars around it.

Believe you can.

I used to always hesitate when it comes to sharing ideas with a group or basically anyone, but this class really helped me open up and not be afraid of peoples judgements. I learned that there really is nothing to lose. If you say something and people give you that weird look, then just return it back to them. No one should ever stop you or let you feel as if you are saying something wrong and strange because they will eventually thank you one day for actually sharing those ideas, whatever it may be. I learned to always put my feet on the ground when it comes to explaining my ideas because no one else will really fully understand you if you just say it once. People might end up misunderstanding you, which is obviously one of the last things you wish to happen.

I learned not to be afraid and to open myself to new experiences and to rise up from my mistakes and know that they will help me make things better.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Walk. Don't run.

This whole week I have honestly been thinking of the things I want to do but never really had the chance to do so.
The first one I thought of writing about is how I, as a lifter in cheerleading, was able to actually experience being lifted. I wanted to share how at first I never really wanted to fly because of my fear of falling but after trying it actually made me want to be a flyer. Not only did that remove my fear, it also motivated me to reach a certain goal. I used to tell myself that I never want to fly because of my weight and that people might laugh at me if I actually do get lifted but then that’s the thing, it really did help me shed some pounds in order to actually lessen my insecurities and knowing the fact that I have that capability of actually doing it truly made me believe in myself more that I actually do have the strength to be up there and not just on the ground.
The second one I thought of writing about is something I have been dreaming of doing ever since; bungee jumping. During the weekend, not entirely sure if that was yesterday or Saturday, I stumbled upon a video of a graduated teammate of mine who went to Macau to try out that worlds highest bungee jump and watching it really did make me want to walk at the edge. That feeling of wanting to just drop your entire body slowly from the edge of that building does feel very “refreshing” like you’re able to shout out or drop all the negativity and stress in you.
This then connected to the third thing I thought of doing, which is, Boxing. I’ve always wanted to go boxing because I feel like it’s the only way I can release that kept anger in me. The fact that I grew up keeping my feelings to myself like how I never really show that emotional part of me and my anger towards people, I end up bottling it all in me to the point that it makes me want to hit something. So I guess to remove those negative emotions in me, I have honestly been thinking of boxing. Maybe after this week I’ll try it out with a few friends.
But since this blog is suppose to be about something I have done recently, I decided to simply make this blog my “edge”. Now to make you walk with me, sadly I didn’t have the chance to do the physical things I wanted to do but just recently I was able to talk to a friend and help her go through her breakup, which happened a few hours ago actually. Anyway to help you guys understand why I consider this as my ‘walk the edge’ it is because I honestly never knew I could possibly still make someone see their mistakes. This is caused by my recent break up with my 3-year boyfriend, which happened just a few weeks ago.
Before I reached out to my friend, I really thought I didn’t have the strength to actually talk to someone about break ups or basically anything that revolves around relationships. I thought I would be weak enough to the point that I would end up breaking down and base everything on my life. So anyway yeah, at first when my friend asked if I was busy and if we could talk I some what already felt that it would revolve around her either fighting with her boyfriend or she needed help to surprise him or something. Sadly it was more of bad news than good. She shared every possible detail she could and I guess it amazes me how I was able to make someone smile and see the brighter side of life. I was also able to wake myself up from my situation and also realize my own mistakes that I should be the one running after someone. That I should just simply wait and be patient enough. Basically enjoy the life that is right in front of me now.
To end this, I really do believe that I have raised myself up from the ground and that I am back on my feet. Thanks to my friend I think I wouldn’t be able to be strong enough to talk to anyone about break ups and their relationships. But again I do try to remind myself, which I also did tell my friend, that we should worry about the future and that we shouldn’t have that fear of not finding the same guy as our exes because like what that quote says “The reason why they’re called exes is because they’re an example of those who we shouldn’t go back to.” or simply find someone who has the same character. We just have to remember that there is someone out there who won’t make us kneel on the ground in order for us to get his attention; that there really is such a thing as “Mr. Right” (how cliché). An example similar to this is what my friend said “It’s just sad and unfair how he could just end things with me like that and how I can seriously walk on fire for him.” When I read this I was actually agreeing with her at first and did tell him that I do feel the same way, then while I was talking to her about it I started to realize how stupid we looked in trying to convince each other how unfair it is for us; which is something we shouldn’t even worry and think about.
Because why risk your life to walk through fire or crawl through a rocky road for someone who can easily just let go of you life that if instead you can just simply sit back and relax to wait for the one guy who will wrap you in his arms and won’t even make you think of doing such crazy things to show him how much you love him because for him, he would do anything and everything to make you feel that care and love you deserve.
Thanks to this walk, it truly did remind me that I shouldn’t limit myself and rush into having another relationship because like what that short film said about being in a relationship “It’s either you break up or get married”. I just have to be patient enough for that one person who will do anything and everything for me without me even asking for it. That one person who wouldn’t even dare make me walk through fire because he would rather keep me in his arms to avoid any harm done to me.
            Patience is truly a virtue. 

Friday, May 16, 2014


Here I am sitting on this cemented bench in Ateneo as I write this futuristic letter to you, and yes we got accepted in our dream school but that doesn’t mean you won’t continue to study hard.
Well I do hope you would read it some day and hopefully it will help you grow in the succeeding years and maybe even change the way we are now. (Well maybe just some behaviors that I wish I learned to control then when it was easier to change.)
 I don’t want to make this a long and dragging letter so I will try my best to make it as short as possible but at the same time let you have fun reading it.

To my dearest 10 year old self,
Promise me you’ll learn how to take care of yourself.
Learn how to be independent,
Don’t rely too much on your friends, siblings, or even a parent.
Because based from experience,
There will always be some sort of difference.
What do I mean?
A few years from now you’re going to be a teen.
You’ll eventually have changes in your body,
And might even start to like a certain somebody.
You’ll start to want certain things,
And by things I mean things that may cost as expensive as those bling blings.
But please do remember to take your time,
Don’t rush into things if you want your decisions in life to be sublime.
There’s a right time for everything,
We’ll just have to do things step-by-step and of course keep in mind that we are guided by His blessing.
At this age,
Try to get yourself out of that cage.
Go and be free,
But know your limits and don’t act as if you were in some unlimited shopping spree.
Get to know as much people as you can,
Don’t just hangout with that certain clan.
Because as you go on with life,
 There will always be some people who will stab you with a knife.
I want you to remember that some will come and go,
But don’t worry about it too much because you’ll always have that one person who has been there for you since a long time ago.
Now about being in a relationship,
Always listen to what mom has to say or you’ll end up feeling like a sinking ship.
You may feel as if she’s talking nonsense,
But her words will slowly transform into some sort of conscience.
There are other countless things I want to tell you,
But these are the basic and simple things I would want you to do.
For now and hopefully as you go on each day,
Remember to be independent, patient, adventurous, and never forget to say…


You're truly,

To my 60 year old self,
You may feel like you are all by yourself,
Maybe because you and your friends don’t have the capability to go out as much,
Or maybe because most of you haven’t stayed in touch.
But I hope you don’t let yourself drown in our bed,
And always act like a sleepy head.
Get up and welcome the morning sun,
Don’t stress on what you have to do because I’m pretty sure you’ll eventually think of a ton.
You’re children or grandchildren may be busy and you may feel lonely,
But hey! Never forget that you still have your one and only.
Spend time with him as if you guys were back in your dating days,
I’m pretty sure you guys already established your ways.
I don’t really know who he is yet,
But I do hope, whoever he is, that he’s no sweat.
I’m pretty sure you look back at this age,
Laughing at every page,
Thinking on how to answer the question “why?”
Like why always force yourself to go for the wrong guy?
Why limit yourself to what is in front of you?
If you know that you’re capable of learning something or even meeting someone new?
Why stress yourself with all your problems that are petty?
If you can simply solve them then stop yourself from feeling heavy?
Why pressure yourself to be someone you’re not?
If you know that there’s someone out there who already finds you perfect and maybe even want to tie the knot.
I don’t really know how life will be like 39 years from now,
So please help me go through each day because I don’t know how.
I end up traveling to the past wishing I could go back and change my mistakes,
If ever that does happen, that’s you’re cue to stop me whatever it takes.
I can’t really imagine how you’re living our life,
But I do know that I will grow up to be a wonderful mother and wife.
I will end this letter here,
Because I don’t want to preempt the future that may make me shed a tear.
So I shall just simply live this wonderful life we’re living,
And continue to be very thanksgiving.
I’ll meet you some day,
I can’t wait to celebrate and say YAY!
Yours truly,

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I was always a fan of scrolling through these Internet posts of “life hacks” or what it is apparently called, Chindogu. I find it so interesting because of how it is just like any other type of machine that is produced to make life easier. In addition, it makes you say, “why didn’t I think of that?” when you’re in the process of analyzing it.

When my group and I were brainstorming, I decided to check the Internet and search for what people have thought of making, and I saw several interesting and funny ones.

1. Upside down umbrella
            - An umbrella that you can use during a rainy day. The only thing different is that it collects the water. I guess this seemed pretty weird at first but if you think of it, it’s actually a good idea since you can use the water for your plants at home or use it to wash your car. In short, what I’m trying to say is that you get to recycle the water. I mean I would probably try to use this if it actually does work because it will help me save more money instead of paying for water bills.


2. Need a hand?
- A manikin hand that helps avoid the possibilities of you slicing your own real fingers as you slice through vegetables and/or fruits (maybe). I find it a bit creepy though but at the same time really useful because I do have that fear that I would accidentally slice a layer of my skin. 

So with that, our group thought of the possible more useful ways the public would use more frequently and be very useful.

We thought of the most common problem of the country now, which is the hot weather. We thought of cooling pads that contain beads in them, which you can attach to your backpack so as you walk around campus or where ever really, you won’t feel as hot as you do now and sweat won’t be a problem because knowing how backpacks really do make you sweat 10x more or even more (kidding! That’s too exagge) but anyway, I think that this would actually sell if it actually does exist because I’m pretty sure that everyone in manila are dying to be in a cold place right now.

Another thing we thought of is the multi-signing pen for those people who need to sign multiple documents and/or checks. We think that this is useful because based on observation, there was a time I sat beside my dad after dinner and he had this bulk of documents on his left side and he was getting maybe 2 – 3 sheets as he signs each one. I felt so useless just sitting beside him and kept asking if he needed help but at the same time I felt ignorant because I’d have to forge his signature. He insisted but at the same time, the documents seemed like a “DON’T MESS THIS UP OR ELSE” kind of papers.

So my group thought, why go through the stress of signing these documents one by one if you can sign 3 (or even more) all at the same time? Saves you from having an aching butt and back and gives you more time to do other things since you’ll have lesser time signing the documents/checks.

I also like what the other groups thought of like the one of Sharky, where in it’s a head piece or a hat that have mirrors attached to it so you can see the person behind you. I found it awkwardly nice because it will surely make you look unusual but at the same time, it will also make you feel safer than you usually do. The other thing I like also is the table you sling onto your neck and you instantly have a table you can use to multi task. Another would be that “juice bag” because I really do like drinking and having that bag around seems fun. I don’t know why but I do imagine myself using that in the beach or any out of town trip really.

There are so many ways to make life easier and Chindogu is a very interesting “tool” we all (can) use. Just like how people would use a dustpan to take a “selfie” instead of buying a monopod.


Chindogu really does show you that thinking outside the box or simply going out of the norm can really make a difference. May it be helpful or not, it really does test you and the way you think “creatively” to make your life easier or even more fun.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

mind mapping + Six thinking hats

Where to begin…

The 2 activities we did in class last meeting made me realize a lot about myself. It made me realize how unprepared I am for the future even if I think I already am. I realized how motivated I get when it comes to creating or achieving something I think is actually possible.

            For first activity, we were told to mind map our personal financial plan. This activity definitely showed how the way I think of my life now and what I need to save for is different from what I’ll need to save for the future. Especially after the sharing of my group mates I realized how there are certain things I forget to think of for my future plans, such as investing for my own business.

I realized that life now seems easy because I still get most of my savings and allowance from my parents but then after this coming year, I’ll have to start earning for myself and even repay my parents for everything they have given me. It reminded me that I’ll be the one earning for my family in the future and be the one to pay for the house bills, my parents health expenses, and basically everything my parents are paying for now.

This activity also scared me for the future. The fact that I do plan to have my own family, just thinking of how things are getting more expensive each year or even sometimes months makes me jittery just thinking of it. Examples of these would be the tuition of my children, yes I do want lots of children, or okay maybe just a maximum of 4 (hehehe). Another would be the repair and maintenance bill of my own house, if I actually get to save for one. Of course, the thought of having to save for my traveling expenses when I wish to travel with my family and/or friends.

There are so many things I’ll have to save up for and thanks to this activity it shook my head and opened my eyes by making me see reality. That money won’t come easily as it is now in the near future. That planning ahead will surely make it easier to overcome such problems.

For the second activity, we were told to create a universal pushcart for those street vendors who sell these authentic Filipino foods; fish balls, Isaw, Kwek Kwek, etc. This activity was really fun to do, especially doing it as a group brought more interesting ideas on the table. We used the six thinking hats in order to think how this cart will look and it’s contents.

For me the six thinking hats definitely help when it comes to situations like this when you strategically plan and create something. It helps you think of the specifics more and makes you concentrate on the certain things you really have to give consideration to. These things would be your market and how the public sees and feels about this certain product. Another would be the important information’s you can recover about the certain product you are trying to sell/create. After all that, you can then start thinking of the negatives and positives of the product you will make and how it will be better or beneficial to your market.

The six thinking hats not only brought out that “creativity” in us but it did bring out that urge to want to make the product itself because of how organized it is and how it really helps bring you to that main goal you are trying to pursue. It helps you concentrate at your points and what you wish to convey. I think it would have been confusing if we did the normal way by writing down our idea on a sheet of paper or I think if we used mind mapping in this sort of concern then I think it wouldn’t be as thoroughly planned enough.

I really like what my group, Fantastic Four!, came up with. To simply describe our design, we were able to come up with a “foldable” cart that has many compartments. These compartments are located at the outer part of the cart for the “ready-made” food so the seller can sell as he/she is strolling around the area. There are also compartments inside as the cart is split into two; these compartments contain the gas tank, ingredients, utensils, barbeque sticks, etc.

We thought of a foldable cart because we think that it’ll give a wider space for people to gather instead of cramping in one rectangular cart trying to dip their kwek kwek or fish ball on the sauce bowls. Speaking of the sauces, we also thought of putting these sauces on a dispenser instead of it being in a bowl that allows people to double dip. This is also to avoid any sort of transferred disease or the like.

Those are the main parts of the cart, we also included a detachable “roof” which the seller can just remove or add when he or she feels like it. This cart has built-in 4-wheels so that the cart can be mobile. The group also decided that we add solar powered lights. We also came to a conclusion that this would be made of think aluminum or something similar to that of the jeep, which eventually brought us to the idea of it’s colorful design. We decided that this cart would be like our national transportation, the Jeeps, where in the owner of the cart can personally customize his or her own cart the way he or she wishes. This will then hopefully catch the attention of many, if not all, and lure them to hand those loose change as they buy food.

Kaya “Tara na! ” at kumain na tayo!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

GOOGLE + PIXAR = Creativity

"The art challenges technologyTechnology inspires the art." 
—John Lasseter John 

I couldn't agree more.

This saying is what struck me because of how it simply explains the world today. Knowing that many of us, if not all, are relying on technology nowadays. We use these inventions in order to bring out our "creativity". May it be 140 characters on twitter or a creative shot you took with or without filter to post on Instagram. It can also be some sort of makeshift invention or a DIY project. 

At first, I thought of creativity to be a simple drawing you drew on a blank sheet of paper or anything similar to that. In class I described it to be "that moment when you get to expand your perspectives." But because of the two documents, Game Changers and Pixar, my meaning of creativity has expanded.

on the one hand, Game Changers is a documentary involving Google and how it began. Google has been amazingly succeeding in so many areas in the technology industry. The fact that they are partnered up with the Android, known as one of the most commonly used softwares in smartphones and tablets around the world, gives them that greater opportunity to excel in achieving their goals. 

Google for me is like a huge machine that was invented to make life easier than it already is with all of the machines and technology. But other than that, to share an experience, I along with my family was actually able to enter the world of Google. The last time I had a family vacation with my family in San Francisco, a good friend of my Dad invited us over to Google and toured us around the area. It's amazing because I could actually relate to everything that was being shown in the documentary. Google is definitely another world in this world. I don't want to describe them as the outcasts in a stereotyped campus but from my point of view, the Google employees really do have their own lives and a very amazing one to be honest. Like what was shown in the documentary, They have free cafeterias and recreational areas where in they can go when they feel like having a break from all the work load. If i can recall the things my Dad's friend shared, she mentioned how they have a massage place they can go to. They even placed up a school for the employee's children. They have a heated swimming pool and beach volleyball where any employee can simply enjoy during their spare time. They have bicycles and electronic cars you can simply borrow to travel from one area to the other. The employees of Google basically live there. Everything you actually need in your day-to-day living is right there when you need it.
With that being said, Creativity is what truly helps you succeed in life. I find that they were creative enough to actually create an office space that doesn't even feel like an office. The thought of it not being the typical kind of work place truly makes you want to work there, I was even lured into applying a job there in the future (in my dreams). I find this very creative because for me it's a uniquely thought of way to make people work but at the same time enjoy life. Knowing how people dread waking up early in the morning to drive themselves to work, Google makes people feel like kids again and what do I mean about this. They not only let the people enjoy life because of the fact that they actually still do have their social lives or most of the things normal employee's don't have but they are also given that opportunity to think outside of the box and be able to expand their imaginations through all of the recreational activities that is available to them.

On the other hand, Pixar is a documentary that showed all of the cartoon shows and movies they successfully produced. The fact that they had their ups and downs, they truly showed how succeeding in life is a tough one if you really don't work hard and fight for what you want. 
This documentary really showed that even though you have all of these ideas on your mind is challenging enough to even put it all together and be able to let your audience capture what you wish to show them. That the little specs are important in creating a big picture like how the little details can make something look different. 
Basically what I found creative with pixar is how their goal is to bring things to life. In their unique ways and techniques, they were and still are able to successfully make their audience love and favor their movies compared to the other cartoon movie producers. Such as Toy Story, Bugs Life, Cars, Monsters inc., The Incredibles, Up, and so much more. 
Based on my preference, the last Toy Story Trilogy is what made me appreciate Pixar even more. Just like what a few classmates and even family members shared before, It is truly that one cartoon movie that captured life from childhood to adulthood. This may have been a typical cartoon movie for the younger children but this was and still is that one cartoon movie that is out of the ordinary for it not only made every movie goer watch it and love it after but it also brought emotions and memories out of people and again, that is what i find very creative that Pixar thought of doing. The fact that they were able to let their audience imagine their lives and daydream as they watched, and even reminisce after, the movie.

Thanks to the two documentaries I can conclude that being creative and at the same time passionate about what you love to do or wish to accomplish is what will bring you to that life you wish to live. Achieving life, may it be as simple as saying it or not, is enjoying it and at the same time using that experience you have as you go on each day to make it a better one.